Creative and Arts Market Survey - Grand Lake, Colorado

Survey is now closed!

Thank you to the Grand Lake Creative Community and all survey respondents for your interest in ensuring affordable creative working and living spaces for creatives.


Grand Lake, CO Arts Market Survey

Grand Lake has been selected, through a competitive process, as the location for the fourth creative facility to be developed under the Space to Create program, the first state-driven initiative in the U.S. for affordable space for creatives. To learn more about the statewide and local partners and funders behind the Space to Create, Colorado and Grand Lake initiative, please click on the links below.

If you are engaged in creative pursuits and consider that work to be a form of art, craft, a cultural or creative expression or heritage preservation, then we probably will too. Many creatives don’t even think of themselves as artists. A member of the creative sector:

  • Has a sincere commitment to their creative-based work
  • May make things that are artistic, creative or functional or all of the above! (woodturners, milliners, potters, writers, leather workers, artisanal foods/craft beverages, painters, performers, photographers, jewelers, floral arrangers, stylists)
  • May be engaged in any creative/artistic/cultural pursuit (visual/performing, culinary, literary, musical, administrative, educational..)
  • May or may not make any income form their creative-based work (or may or may not aspire to)
  • May or may not create or practice full time (or may or may not aspire to)
  • Has or is developing a body of work or is actively training or working in their field
  • Comes from any and all walk of life

This study is made possible with the generous funding and support from:

The Boettcher Foundation

Town of Grand Lake

State of Colorado Department of Local Affairs


For more information about the Grand Lake Space to Create local partners please visit:

Town of Grand Lake

Grand Lake Creative District 


For more information about Space to Create, Colorado and its partners please visit:

“Space to Create” 

Colorado Office of Economic Development’s Colorado Creative Industries

Colorado Department of Local Affairs

History Colorado

Boettcher Foundation 


This survey is a product of Artspace Consulting  

Boettcher Foundation Logo
Town of Grand Lake Logo
Colorado Creative Industries Logo
Colorado Department of Local Affairs
History Colorado Logo
Grand Lake Creative District Logo